William E. Duellman (1930–2022)
William Edward Duellman (Bill) passed away on February 25, 2022, at age 91. Two years earlier, in December 2019, Bill described a hylid frog—hylids and hemiphractids were his most loved amphibians—in a publication in the Brazilian journal Phyllomedusa...
Phyllomedusa -
A review of landscape genetics studies in temperate, subtropical and tropical species
Frogs and toads are diverse in their habits, development, behavior and physiology, which allows a diversity of how these species interact with their landscapes and how landscape features, both natural, like mountains and streams, or...
AmphibiaWeb -
The mystery of anuran middle ear loss
The mystery of anuran middle ear loss has new insights! Most frogs have a tympanic membrane and middle ear column (the columella) that help them hear airborne sound. Despite being well known for their calls, many frogs and toads are...
AmphibiaWeb -
Synergistic impacts of global warming and thermohaline circulation collapse on amphibians
A new study (Velasco et al. 2021) predicts truly dire consequences from the synergistic interactions of global climate change and thermohaline circulation collapse on amphibians. Under a high carbon emissions scenario, temperate...
AmphibiaWeb -
New concepts and methods for phylogenetic taxonomy and nomenclature in zoology
Although currently most taxonomists claim to adhere to the concept of ‘phylogenetic taxonomy’, in fact most of the zoological classifications currently published are only in part ‘phylogenetic’ but include also phenetic or gradist approaches
Megataxa -
Episodic correlations in behavioural lateralization differ between a poison frog and its mimic
Sensory and behavioural lateralization is thought to increase neural efficiency and facilitate coordinated behaviour across much of the animal kingdom. Complementary laterality, when tasks are lateralized to opposite...
Animal Behaviour -
Necrophiliac behaviour in the recently described species Scinax tsachila (Anura: Hylidae)
Necrophilia in amphibians is a poorly known behaviour despite its potential as a beneficial adaptation for improving reproductive success. Here, we describe the observation of a multiple amplexus involving necrophilia in the recently...
Neotropical Biodiversity -
Bd‐positive specimens from the late 1800s, far earlier than previous records and well before recent amphibian declines
Natural history museums are a critical resource and an invaluable tool for studying the historical dynamics of emerging wildlife diseases. In a recent study, Basanta et al. (2020) collected skin swabs...
AmphibiaWeb -
Alloparental care in glassfrogs: males care for unrelated clutches only when associated with their own
Parental care is costly, thus theory predicts that parents should avoid caring for unrelated offspring. However, alloparenting has been reported in many taxa because it may increase the caregiver mating success or offspring survival. We ...
Scientific Reports -
Nueva especie de cutín diablito ecuatoriano
Describimos una nueva rana terrestre glandular del género Pristimantis (Anura: Craugastoridae), que habita en el bosque montano alto de la provincia del Cañar en el sur del Ecuador. La nueva especie se diferencia...
Neotropical biodiversity -
A new genus and species of rhinatrematid caecilian from Ecuador
A new genus and species of rhinatrematid caecilian, Amazops amazops gen. et sp. nov., is described based on a single specimen from Orellana, Ecuador collected in 1990. Among other features the new taxon differs from all other rhinatrematid...
Herpetological Journal -
Guía de anfibios de Junín, Provincia Imbabura
Existe poca información sobre la fauna anfibia del valle de Íntag. En recientes investigaciones desarrolladas por el Centro Jambatu y la comunidad de Junín se registraron 22 especies de ranas, pero se estima que pueden existir más de 100 especies....
Pdf -
Imagen 3D del esqueleto de Leucostethus bilsa
Especie nueva de dendrobátido en la Cordillera de Mache-Chindul, Ecuador. Las imágenes osteológicas microCT de representantes de cada uno de los géneros de Colostethinae revelan una serie de caracteres útiles en estudios filogenéticos.
MorphoSource -
Aportes al conocimiento de la ecología de Atelopus balios (Anura: Bufonidae) en el Naranjal, Ecuador
Atelopus balios es un sapo endémico de Ecuador, con categoría amenazada debido al cambio de cobertura vegetal y la polución ambiental. Se desconoce sobre sus poblaciones e interacciones ecológicas. El presente estudio da...
Especie nueva de dendrobátido de la Cordillera Mache-Chindul
Describimos una especie nueva de dendrobátido, Leucostethus bilsa sp. nov., utilizando evidencia molecualr, morfológica y acústica. También comentamos sobre el estado...
Zootaxa -
VIDEO: Centro Jambatu creó un arca que salvó a una variedad de sapos de la desaparición en Ecuador
Iban camino de la desaparición. El calentamiento global los había convertido en animales tan frágiles que los científicos temieron que no tuvieran una segunda oportunidad, hasta que crearon un arca para...
El Universo -
Tres nuevas especies de ranas se suman a la riqueza de anfibios que hay en Ecuador
Ecuador cuenta con tres nuevas especies de ranas, todas viven en la vertiente oriental de los Andes ecuatorianos en la región amazónica. El anuncio del hallazgo fue pubicado en la cuenta de Facebook del
El Universo -
Sapos cantores sin oído. ¿Cuándo, cómo y por qué pierden el oído?
A pesar de cantar, muchas especies de sapos (Bufonidae) no tienen tímpano ni columela (huesecillo del oído medio equivalente al martillo, estribo y yunque en humanos). Es el caso convergente de la mayoría de especies de ranas arlequín Atelopus
Evolution Development -
A ketocarotenoid‐based colour polymorphism in the Sira poison frog Ranitomeya sirensis
Many members of the Peruvian poison frog genus Ranitomeya show a wide variety of color patterns, and two or more color morphs can exist within a single species. R. sirensis has yellow stripes over most of its range, but has a deep red ...
AmphibiaWeb -
Lessons from poison frogs on ecological drivers of behavioral diversification
Natural history is an important foundation for mechanistic studies. Ecological specializations can drive species differences in behavior. Species comparisons can highlight core neural mechanisms of behavior. Community engagement and inclusion...
Hormones and Behavior -
Foto de Jaime Culebras gana premio del Natural History Museum
"La vida en la balanza" Jaime Culebras. Esta rana de cristal que come una araña es la ganadora en la categoría WPY de Comportamiento: anfibios y reptiles. Culebras tomó esta foto en Manduriacu, una reserva de Ecuador durante un aguacero torrencial.
Descubren nueva especie de rana arlequín, Atelopus, en bosque nublado de Ayacucho, Perú
Fue encontrada en un sector cerca de cañón del río Apurímac, zona poco explorada debido a la presencia de cultivos ilegales de coca y narcotráfico. Algunos individuos de esta especie dieron positivo a Bd...
Mongabay Latam -
!Date un salto!
Visita el aula virtual del Centro Jambatu. Te invitamos a descubrir el maravilloso universo de las ranas y sapos. ¡Para cuidarlos hay que conocerlos! Descubre las rutas de aprendizaje que te permitirán ser un ciudadano conocedor de ranas y sapos.
Centro Jambatu -
Two extremely rare new species of salamanders from Ecuador
We describe two new species of salamanders of the genus Oedipina, subgenus Oedopinola, from two localities on the northwestern foothills of Ecuador, at elevations between 921 and 1,067 m. These are the southernmost...
PeerJ -
Anfibios en los ecosistemas andino-tropicales de la provincia de Carchi
La provincia del Carchi posee una variedad de ecosistemas que se extienden desde los 120 m. s.n.m. en la parroquia Tobar Donoso hasta los 4729 m.s.n.m. en la cima del volcán Chiles. Estas zonas con gran diversidad de plantas y animales llevaron...
Cruzioseptins, antibacterial peptides from Cruziohyla calcarifer skin, as promising leishmanicidal agents
Screenings of natural products have significantly contributed to the discovery of novel leishmanicidal agents. In this study, three known cruzioseptins—antibacterial peptides from Cruziohyla calcarifer skin—were synthesized and evaluated against..
Pathogens and Disease -
Adult—Juvenile interactions and temporal niche partitioning between life-stages in a tropical amphibian
Divergence in ecological niche offers organisms the opportunity of exploiting different food and habitat resources, scaling down competition and predation both among species, and within different age or size-classes of the same species...
PLos One -
Large‐scale DNA‐based survey of frogs in Amazonia suggests a vast underestimation of species richness and endemism
Effective conservation management plans depend on accurate knowledge of biodiversity, such as the number of species occurring in a region, which can be challenging for a variety of reasons. This is particularly true of...
AmphibiaWeb -
Fifty years after: A taxonomic revision of the amphibian species from the Ecuadorian biodiversity hotspot Abra de Zamora
Abra de Zamora is an important biodiversity hotspot in southern Ecuador. Between 1938 and 2010, eleven species of frogs were described from here: Lynchius flavomaculatus, Gastrotheca...
Plos One -
Two‐hundred million years of anuran body‐size evolution in relation to geography, ecology and life history
Body size varies widely among animals and can affect physiological, ecological, and life history traits. Yet, surprisingly little is known about body size evolution within the most diverse amphibian order, anurans (frogs and toads)...